Financial Planning

Set the path and manage the course

Look beyond the horizon

Define your goals

The first step of an integrated financial plan is to define your life goals, objectives and values so you can move forward with confidence. 

With a defined set of goals and objectives we can allocate resources to increase the probability of achieving success. 

Goals might include: 

  • Retirement planning
  • Education funding
  • Large purchase planning
  • Tax optimization
  • Philanthropy or Social goal
  • Inheritance
Rope Photo

Take Inventory

The next step in the process is to take inventory of assets and liabilities much like a company prepares a balance sheet and income statement. We will perform an examination of:

  • Income 
  • Investments
  • Debts or other liabilities
  • Budget
  • Emergency funding needs
  • Savings
  • Insurance

Devise a plan

Based on the facts and circumstances discovered, we devise a comprehensive plan that has the highest probability of success in meeting your goals and objectives in line with your risk tolerance:

  • Devise a portfolio asset allocation 
  • Incorporate values in allocation – Impact/ESG
  • Structure investment accounts
  • Work to establish estate plan
  • Work to obtain appropriate levels of insurance coverage
  • Establish savings and emergency plan
  • Will, power of attorney and healthcare directive

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Ready to Take the Next Step?

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Financial planning provides direction and meaning to your financial decisions. It allows you to understand how each financial decision you make affects other areas of your finances. For example, buying a particular investment product might help you save adequately to finance your child’s higher education, or it may provide enough for a comfortable retirement. You can also adapt more easily to life changes and feel more secure that your goals are on track.

Our initial financial planning session is offered for free.  We believe that it is essential to get to know each potential client to ensure that it is a good fit. We only work with clients where there is a good mutual fit.

We are a holistic wealth management firm and believe that having a solid financial plan that details your goals, objectives and risk tolerance is key to a successful outcome.  Our financial planning services are including as part of our overall wealth management fees.

Soaring Capital Management works with a variety of clients. We understand that risk tolerance and time frame vary from one person to the next. We learn about each client so that we may design customized portfolios. We educate our clients on the investment landscape and demonstrate how diversified holdings blend together to form a cohesive portfolio. All this is achieved through our five step financial planning process.


You let us know how we can best work with your other advisors. Our goal is to build a strong relationship with your advisors in order to complement and enhance their work. In some cases, we may serve as your project manager to ensure that your advisors have timely and accurate information. In all cases, our job is to work together, provide context and obtain the benefit of their expertise. As your advisor, we will be in a position to anticipate issues and opportunities that can be referred to your tax advisor, lawyer or other service providers, for prompt consideration and resolution.