60/40 Asset Allocation is Dead on Arrival – Alts Fill the Void in 2022

Article by Brian F. Moss CFA, CEO of Soaring Capital and Brian Shapiro, CEO of ALTSMARK

The following article was originally published in WealthManagement.com and was co-authored by Brian Moss, CEO of Soaring Capital and Brian Shapiro, CEO of ALTSMARK. ALTSMARK’s systems provide firms like Soaring Capital with detailed alternative investment reporting solutions. They are a 2021 Wealthmanagement.com Industry Award Finalist demonstrating outstanding achievement.

High vol, low vol, no vol, inflation? Maybe it’s transitory, but maybe it’s not. Overcrowded trades. GameStop, Game over? Not by a long short as uncertain markets bring certain opportunities for the advisor willing to look for them.

We see alternative investments, once the exclusive purview of ultra-high-net-worth and institutional investors, as the new opportunity of choice and alpha for smart advisors and their clients. In the the current investment environment, the classic 60/40 (60% weighting to stocks and 40% weighting to bonds) allocation will soon be relegated to the history of finance textbooks.

The great migration to alternative investments has already begun and will only accelerate in 2022, with 40% of wealth advisors reporting that they already accessing the private markets, excluding liquid (publicly traded) alternatives. Most investment wirehouses (57%), 43% of hybrid RIAs and 64% of retail bank broker/dealers are currently accessing alternatives for their clients.

While there has been an explosion in the number of publicly available investment products, many market opportunities are still not readily accessible via traditional exchange-listed investment vehicles. Some of the best alpha/return is generated by private investment allocations. Examining endowment returns for 2020-2021 reveals that a significant amount of the extraordinary 30% to 50% gain was generated by private allocations. Endowments have historically relied on a heavy weighting to private capital including hedge funds, venture capital, private equity and direct deals. There is no reason not to allocate a portion of private client capital similarly.

The following asset allocation demonstrates how alternative investments could be added to a portfolio. Use of alternative investments as part of an integrated portfolio allocation often produces a more efficient investment outcome with a higher return at a lower level of risk or Sharpe Ratio. Given the decline in the number of publicly listed companies, achieving true diversification without an allocation to private markets has become more difficult.

Among Ultra High Net Worth, Endowments & Foundations, Private Capital Dominates:

The performance numbers speak for themselves, 10.1% annualized over ten years and 13.5% over the past five years based on published reports.

Building portfolios of alternative investments takes time and the willingness to educate clients. Most of us like things that we can easily understand, and the 60/40 model is simple to explain and understand. It’s harder to explain convertible arbitrage or private equity, but with right kinds of risk and reporting technology, an advisor can show rather than tell their clients and a picture is with 10,000 basis points!

Over the next five years, we see alternative investments growing by 8% annually to $24 trillion by 2024. We also see individual investors embarking on an allocation shift akin to the one institutional investors have made over the last decade. But for that to happen, investors and advisors need to overcome a key impediment – their awareness of and comfort with alternative investments.

The reality is that alternative investments are not a single asset class. Alternatives include an array of assets, strategies and structures and should not be construed as some monolithic investment or a single slice in the allocation pie. It’s these varying strategies and their unique characteristics that make them the perfect complement to traditional public market strategies.

There is no simple approach to building a comprehensive, diversified allocation to alternative investments – one that considers investors’ distinct liquidity, return goals and varied time horizons. However, by allocating across the major alternative asset categories in both liquid and less liquid vehicles, advisors and investors may establish and maintain a comprehensive and strategic exposure to alternatives to complement their traditional allocation.

Brian F. Moss, CFA is the Founder and CEO of Soaring Capital Management, LLC.

Brian Shapiro is the Founder and CEO of ALTSMARK. Learn more about ALTSMARK


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